Week #5 — What’s in the Bag

Red Tide Leaf Lettuce-1 head
Encino Lettuce-a green Oak Leaf Lettuce-1 head
Romaine Lettuce-1 head
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage-1 head
Garlic Scapes-6
Summer Squash-8
Scallions-1 bunch
Cilantro-1 bunch
Boothby/ Poona Kheera / Silver Slicer Cucumber-2 (The cucumbers are a mix of the three varieties and each is a bit different. The Boothby is a smaller, round, yellow cucumber. Poona Kheera is an Heirloom from India. It is brown or rusty colored, usually larger with very crisp flesh. The Silver Slicer is a new variety that is very pale colored and thinner. So, don’t be afraid to try a brown cucumber!)

HALF VEGETABLE SHAREsubject to change
Odd: Encino Lettuce & Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage
Even: Red Fire Lettuce & Romaine Lettuce

Sour Cherries-1 basket-these are tart, not really sour like their name implies. Can be eaten fresh or used cooked with a bit of sugar to sweeten. Sour Cherries are very soft cherries and juicy. Please refrigerate and use right away. From Fix Brothers Farm.
Blueberries-1 basket No Spray from the Greig Farm.

Portobello Mushrooms
from the Bulich Mushroom Company, Catskill

Week #5 — Note from the Farmer

Dear CSA Member

Summer Squash in abundance. We have not had such a bountiful harvest in a couple of years. So happy to be able to send such a great share of Summer Squash. There are great Summer Squash Recipes in the Recipe section of the farm website. I just made the Chocolate Zucchini Bread. Just delicious, it is almost a cake. Larger squash of any variety and especially the Patty Pan, sliced, marinated in a bit of Italian Salad Dressing and then on the grill. Or even just brushed with a little Olive Oil and then grilled. Grate some of the larger squash, measure 2 cups and freeze in a zip lock bag and you will have squash to make bread into the winter.

This week is also the first Fruit Share. Please pick up the Fruit Share only if you have ordered the optional share. Fruit will be delivered every week from now on. Mushroom Shares are delivered each week. Please check to make sure you take all of your shares home depending on what you have ordered.

Enjoy the Vegetables.
Deborah for everyone at Stoneledge Farm

Week #4 — What’s in the Bag

Red Tide Lettuce-1 head
Romaine Lettuce-1 head
Red Oak Leaf Lettuce-1 head
Bright Lights Swiss Chard-1 bunch
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage-1 head
Garlic Scapes-4
Summer Squash-5
Sugar Snap Peas-1 pound


Week #4 — Note from the Farmer

Dear CSA Member

Welcome Summer. What a glorious first week. Blue sky, breezy but warm. As soon as we were finished transplanting Kale and Collards for this fall, rain. From plant to animal we are all loving the weather.  

The lettuces are still coming on strong and it will be another week of greens. Romaine, Red Leaf and a Red Oak Leaf and are the lettuces this week. The lettuces come in abundance and then they are suddenly gone until fall. They do not grow well in the hot weather of July and August. Fill your salad bowls and enjoy while they last.

The first of the Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage and Summer Squash. Early Jersey Wakefield is an Heirloom cabbage. Small with a pointed top. Very sweet tasting.

The first picking of Summer Squash is abundant. The following weeks will probably not be such a heavy load but we are sending a generous share with the first picking. There are five different varieties of Summer Squash that we grow and you will receive a mix of what has been picked over the season. You should look for: Sunburst is a flat, patty pan, a couple of different green Zucchini varieties but we will call them all Zucchini. Golden Glory which is a gold Zucchini, Romanesco, a striped Zucchini looking squash and finally Zephyr which is a bi-colored summer squash.  Yellow on the top, green on the bottom. They are all delicious.  

To top off the week, Sugar Snap Peas. These are edible pod peas so snap the stem, pull off the string and eat the entire pod. A treat that only comes once a year.

Marketplace orders of Organic Fair trade Coffee, Organic Dark Chocolate, local Honey and Maple Syrup will be delivered weekly. To order just log into your CSA Member account and select Marketplace.  You can also order Mushrooms in bulk from the Marketplace. Mushroom orders must be received by Friday at 6.
Enjoy the vegetables.
Deborah for everyone at Stoneledge Farm

Week #3 — What’s in the Bag

Red Tide Lettuce-1 head
Red Sail Lettuce-1 head
Frisee Endive-1 head
Romaine Lettuce-1 head
Buttercrunch Lettuce-1 head
Bright Lights Swiss Chard-1 bunch
Garlic Scapes-4
Kohlrabi-1 bunch This is the last picking of Kohlrabi.
Summer Spinach-1 bunch


The ODD & EVEN shares are subject to change. At this time:
Frisee Endive-1 head
Buttercrunch Lettuce-1 head

Romaine Lettuce-1 head

Week #3 — Note from the Farmer

Dear CSA Member,

This is the busiest time of year on the farm. The harvest is now well underway, transplanting seedlings for fall, tending the small plants in the greenhouses, weeds and insects loving the cool, wet weather we have been having and then once newly transplanted seedlings are planted there is irrigating. It is hard to keep up with all that needs to be done day to day. It is also a wonderful time of year when months of work is ready for harvest.

This is salad season. It comes and goes quickly so enjoy the greens of spring. The Romaine can be grilled, Lettuce Soup recipe is on the farm website and if you are invited to dinner or a party, volunteer to bring the salad! This week the lettuces are beautiful. The lettuce is mature but still sweet and tender. There are four different varieties: Romaine, Red Tide, Red Sails and Buttercrunch. New this season is a Frisee Endive that is also a great addition to the fresh salad. Red Tide is a smaller, redder lettuce. Red Sails larger and very tender so handle carefully.

Try slicing the Kohlrabi and adding it raw to the salad. It is crispy and sweet when raw.  It also makes a delicious slaw.  

For the first time this season Bright Lights Swiss Chard. Beautiful multicolored stems of yellow, reds, oranges adorn the Bright Lights Swiss Chard.  

Garlic Scapes are the green pig tail looking stem. The scape is the immature seed head of the garlic plant that is removed to send more growing energy to the bulb below the soil. The scape grows from the center of the above ground portion of the plant. Scapes have the same flavor and use as the garlic bulb. Delicious Garlic Scape Pesto is easy to make. The recipe can be found on the farm Recipe section or use your favorite pesto recipe substituting the scape for basil.

Marketplace items Honey, Maple, Coffee, Organic Dark Chocolate can be ordered any time during the season and will be delivered with your CSA shares. The Organic Dark Chocolate is delicious. 

Enjoy the Vegetables
Deborah for everyone at Stoneledge Farm

Pick-up Times

Please note that the pick-up time is Tuesday 3:00-6:50PM. Before and after those hours our volunteers are working hard to setup or close down the site. Please only come between 3:00-6:50 to get your share so the volunteers can do their work efficiently.

Thank you,
The Core Group

Week #2 — What’s in the Bag

Full Vegetable Share
Red tide red leaf lettuce-1 head
Natacha escarole-1 head (this is the flatter green with slightly more durable leaves)
Romaine lettuce-1 head
Boc choi-1 head
Cherriette radishes-1 bunch
Mizuna-1 bunch
Tropicana green leaf lettuce-1 head
Kholrabi-1 bunch
Sage-1 bunch

Mushroom share

The ODD & EVEN half shares are subject to change. At this time:
Red Tide Red Leaf lettuce-1 head
Natacha escarole-1 head
Boc choi-1 head

Tropicana green leaf lettuce-1 head
Romaine lettuce-1 head

Week #2 — Farmer’s Note

Dear CSA Member,

 Refrigerators will be full of greens this week. A salad spinner and wok will be useful.

Lettuces of three varieties: Romaine, Red Tide Red Leaf and Tropicana Green Leaf lettuce. Bright red Cherriette Radishes, thinly sliced Mizuna added to the lettuces make a beautiful salad.  Mizuna is also a great addition to the Boc Choi for a stir fry.

There is nothing that can beat a salad spinner this time of year. I have found it easiest to wash greens by cutting the stem portion off, giving the leaves a good dunk, drain and dunk again, spin dry.  The lettuces will keep for at least a week in the salad spinner if you have enough room or in a plastic bag or container.

Boc Choi is delicious and plentiful. More stir fry for a quick and easy dinner.  

Natacha Escarole is a slightly bitter green. White Beans and Escarole are a classic. There are very good recipes for Escarole on the farm website “Recipes” section that members have contributed them over time.  Doesn’t Warm French Lentil Salad sound great? 

The CSA Marketplace is open and you can order Honey, Maple, Coffee and Organic Dark Chocolate to be delivered with your CSA shares. Members are raving about the Organic Dark Chocolate. Who would think that something so absolutely delicious could also be so good for you?

Fruit Shares can still be added to your Vegetable Share but we will be closing the Fruit Shares on June 21.  If you would like to order Fruit, log into your CSA Member Account*, select 2014 CSA Shares and add the Fruit Share.

Enjoy the vegetables.
Deborah for everyone at Stoneledge Farm

*This is the Stoneledge Farm website https://www.stoneledgefarmny.org not csasprouts.org

Week #1 — What’s in the Bag

Rhubarb-1 bunch
Boc Choi-1
Chinese Cabbage-1
Red Tide Red Leaf Lettuce-1 head
Tropicana Green Leaf Lettuce-1 head
White Russian Kale-1 bunch
Kolibri Red Kohlrabi-1 bunch
Suehlihung Mustard Greens-1 bunch
Garlic Chive-1 bunch

Mushroom Shares-White Button
Coffee Shares will be delivered this week